
Monday, September 27, 2010

VS 2010 Console Application

Today I have installed the Visual Studio 2010 on my notebook and start exploring the product by writing the first C# Program and as usual "Console Application" like “Hello World”. So I thought those who are new in programming through this article HowTo your first console application programming.

Main Method:

In simple words Main Method in which you creates objects and execute Method or it is basically where controls starts and ends mainly.

Input and Output:

In C# program generally uses input and output service provided by the run time library of the .Net Framework. The statement system.console.writeLine (“Hello World”); uses the writeLine Method to write string


It prevent from closing the console windows, so you can have a chance to read


Using system;

Namespace Helloworld


class program


Static void main (string[] args)


console.writeLine (“Hello World!”)

// Preventing Console to close.

console.writeLine (“Press any key to exit”);

console.Readkey ();



